
Friendly and scalable websocket server for applications

Example user API calls

Connect/create user with default state

User can be created with default state, when you set fresh_user_state the values will be created if user state does not exist at all. user_state on other hand will be used to update users state upon connection creation.

      "username": "some_user",
      "state_public_keys": ["status", "color", "counter"],
      "fresh_user_state": {
        "status": "active",
        "color": "red",
        "counter": 5,
        "bool": true
      "user_state": {"counter": 6}

Remember one user can have multiple connections to different channels. Values of state is can be one of following types: string, integer, boolean or float.

Connect user to channels with different settings

User connections can also be subscribed to channels upon creation.

      "username": "other_user",
      "channels": ["/tutorial/a", "tutorial/b"],
      "channel_configs": {
            "/tutorial/a": {
              "notify_presence": true,
              "store_history": true,
              "history_size": 50
            "tutorial/b": {
              "notify_state": true,
              "store_frames": true

Every channel might have different config based on its role. For example, for notification channel you might want to have smaller history size, or no notifications at all, you will also not want it to broadcast user state changes or join/part information. For chat like channels you might want opposite settings.

Subscribe live connection to additional channels

Existing connections can be subscribed to even more channels. You can also specify channel_configs key in this call same as with /connect call.

      "conn_id": "504b2f2a-cdd8-4d0e-a8f7-f68576af3376",
      "channels": ["1", "2", "3"]

Unsubscribe live connection from a channel

Existing connections can be removed from channels.

      "conn_id": "504b2f2a-cdd8-4d0e-a8f7-f68576af3376",
      "channels": ["3"]

Set/update state on user object

This API call will also emit user_state_change messages on channels that have state change notifications enabled.

      "user": "some_user",
      "user_state": {"foobar": 99},
      "state_public_keys": ["status", "color", "counter"]